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You feel like you’re never good enough.

You’re never enough, no matter what you accomplish there’s a part of you that feels like a failure. The inner critic’s voice constantly berates you with self-judgement and criticism. 


You feel guilty if you focus on yourself so your life revolves around meeting everyone else’s needs. 


The fear of being alone makes it hard to set boundaries in your relationships. You don’t want to be “too needy” so you keep your mouth shut and push down your own needs to keep the peace.

A new relationship starts off strong but quickly fizzles as the same issues arise; you feel like you’re a magnet for emotionally unavailable partners. 


You thought the right relationship would cure your codependency and make all your insecurities disappear.  


You’re disgusted by the way your body looks; It’s stressful to look in the mirror since you only see every flaw. 


It’s hard to think of a time you liked your body since you’ve been desperate to lose weight since the third grade. You’ve tried every diet imaginable but you still hope that the next one will work. 


You believe that your life can begin once you lose weight; when you have smaller thighs you’ll finally be happy.


You feel like something’s wrong with your body; you’ve experienced so many changes that you don’t feel like yourself. You’re scared your sexual history, fertility issues, abortions and trauma will affect you forever. 


The insecurities, self-doubt and body shame aren’t your fault. 


These beliefs don’t have to hold you back any longer.

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It's not the meaning of life we seek but our aliveness, once we have that, the meaning of life is obvious." 
Anodea Judith


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You want to feel confident so that you can create the life you desire

You want to gain awareness so that you can nourish your mind, body and soul for continual self-growth. 


You long to feel liberated and free so that you can live in the moment and truly experience pleasure in life. 


Imagine a life where your relationships are based on openness, love and support. You’re in relationships where you feel safe to ask for what you need. 


You’re ready to connect to your feminine energy so that you can use your inner strength and resiliency to heal and grow. 


It’s time to come home to your body with respect, kindness and self-acceptance, even when it feels messy. 


You’re want to build self-worth so that you can be independent, self-assured and deeply fulfilled in life. 

You don’t have to settle in your life.

I believe in the union of holistic and scientific practices so that you can learn to understand and care for yourself on a deeper level. 


Through a combination of somatic exercises, talk therapy, spirituality and mindfulness you’ll gain self-awareness so that you can learn to identify and meet your needs for true self-care. 


Women experience the world in a unique way so it’s important to acknowledge and honor these experiences to grasp how you’re affected by generational, cultural and societal messages throughout your life. 


We’ll work together with compassion and curiosity to unlearn these messages so that you can break old patterns, heal your inner child and write a new story for yourself and future generations. 


I believe in a social justice perspective with specialty in Health at Every Size (HAES) to help women work toward radical self-acceptance. 


You don’t have to hide any longer. Let's embrace the power already inside of you. 



I believe in the power of openness, compassion and acceptance to grow and learn together. 

Insecurity doesn’t have to keep you small any longer.
We’ll tap into your unique strengths so that you feel powerful, connected and secure to share your authentic self with the world.

Peaceful Prana Therapy is a place where you come to feel understood, explore your deepest desires and share what you've held inside for so long.

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